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Why are there no new Charlie Chan stories available?

Hello all,

I was wondering, why there are no new Charlie Chan stories available?
There are so many Sherlock Holmes stories that were created by other authors and keep the character alive.
But that does not seem to be the case with Charlie Chan and I am wondering why.

Best regards and thx for any answer.

Re: Why are there no new Charlie Chan stories available?

Hi, Adrian!

Good question!

There have been new Charlie Chan stories that were written after Chan's creator, Earl Derr Biggers passed away in 1933. However, these tales were anything but Charlie Chan "canon." Several were penned in the early 1970s and were printed in "Charlie Chan's Mystery Magazine. There was another from roughly the same era, 1974, "Charlie Chan Returns," by Dennis Lynds.

As an accompaniment to the 1981 movie, "Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen" was a book of the same name by Michael Avallone.

These are about the extent of it, sad to say. It would be wonderful if someone would write a new, quality, Charlie Chan adventure set in the correct time period, would it not? Who knows? It is always possible that someone will pick up the mantle of Charlie Chan authorship!

Rush Glick

Re: Why are there no new Charlie Chan stories available?

Adrian, Rush, I couldn't agree more..."where are the pastiches?" I can only surmise authors are waiting in the wings for ALL six Chan novels to enter the public domain (which will be 2028, but technically January 1st, 2029.)

In the meantime, if you want a similar Chan-style series based in Hawaii I HIGHLY recommend a LILLY WU mystery by Author Juanita Sheridan. There were only 4 books featuring this female detective, beginning with "The Chinese Chop" (1949). Lilly Wu was considered THE FEMALE CHARLIE CHAN by mystery critics and readers. Read about it at my blog:

Aloha, Lou

Re: Why are there no new Charlie Chan stories available?

Dear Lou,

Yes, thank you for recommending the Lilly Wu mysteries. Honestly, I am unfamiliar with them, and will definitely search them out!

Good point about the copyright on the original Biggers stories running out fairly soon. That could, indeed, result in a new Charlie Chan story or two!


Re: Why are there no new Charlie Chan stories available?

Thank You for the infos given!