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The Charlie Chan Family Message Board
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TONIGHT: Our 5th Annual Melbourne Cup Celebration! ("CC at the Race Track")

Tonight, our chat will feature the movie "CHARLIE CHAN AT THE RACE TRACK," starring Warner Oland. This will also be our FIFTH annual Melbourne Cup celebration, in honor of the famous race that is depicted in our film for this week! We begin at 8 p.m., Eastern Time, and our own Steve Rhodes, who resides fairly near the Melbourne area in the beautiful Australian state of Vistoria, will be on hand to help with the festivities. As the race will be run a little later in the evening (U.S. time), during our evening together, Steve will pick horses out of his Panama hat, giving at least one to each person who attends out chat. When the winner is determined later, Steve will send a shiny new Australian 50-cent piece to the lucky person holding the right "ticket" in honor of Charlie Chan's similar bet as seen in our movie.

As usual, we will start running our personal copies of "RACE TRACK" 30 minutes into our chat, at precisely 8:30 p.m. (EST). If you do not have a video tape or DVD copy of this film at your disposal to watch with us, please join us anyway, as there will be SO MUCH else going on during this special evening!

Our Chat Room is located RIGHT HERE at our Charlie Chan family Home. Please use any of the "Chat Room" links, sign in, and join in the fun.

Rush Glick