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Birmingham Brown "playoffs" finals winner, and our January poll

The winner of our "Birmingham Brown Playoffs," final grouping, was "Black Magic"/"Meeting at Midnight." To see the results, as well as the results of ALL of our monthly poll questions over the years, please click on the link that is located below our current poll which is always located at our ENTRANCE page. Just scroll down a little, and you will find it, plus other current information.

Our poll foe this month asks: "Of these multiple-film Charlie Chan 20th Century-Fox film directors, who is your favorite?" Please choose from Hamilton MacFadden, Eugene Ford, Harry Lachman, H. Bruce Humberstone, Norman Foster, or John Blystone.

It seems that a number of our Chan Family Members and Friends were unaware of our monthly polls, which are continuous, changing every month. Please accept my humble but profuse apologies, if that is true in your case! If anyone has a suggestion for a poll question, please drop us a line to our mailbox at

Rush Glick