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joannes Journey

Joanne's Journey

February 6th, 2012


After Charlie Chan in Paris Joanne was telling us that she was going into the hospital for a type of surgery. She had troubling typing this night. As we were talking Tribefan her husband did a private chat with me telling me that Joanne had a brain tumor. I told him how sorry I was to hear of this and that a friend of mine's aunt who she calls mom, is going through what he is going through now. I went on to tell him that I was facebook. For him to keep posted on Joanne. Tribefan told me he would look for me on facebook.

After leaving the chat I logged onto my facebook account. Went on to Joanne's page and found Tribefan. This is what I had said in a message to him before sending request. It is as follows:

• Well I found you. Which I hope I have the right one. I'm friends with Joanne.

Tribefan's response was
• Good to meet you NW!
NW satand for Nightwolf. Which is a nickname of mine. Derived from my cousin Tina Sweezy Goodlin. Shortly I responsed with
• Good to mee you tOO tribefan
My last response was to Tribefan was
• keep me posted about Joanne. She is in my prayers.

February 7, 2012
Today I had told Joe about Joanne. As I told him about my freind I said to him, "She is not only a friend.......she is family." Joe looked at me.....I saw the look in his eyes, he know's that Joanne is. Sometime later I checked the Charlie Chan message board. Rush had posted this and my responses and his.
Dear Chan Family Members,

Last evening during our Monday Evening Chat, we learned of the serious health issue that Joanne now faces. She goes in for tests today, and it is hoped that the news will be encouraging. In the meantime, please keep Joanne, her husband, TF (Bill), and their children in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Rush Glick

Already doing so Rush. Mark I told last night. Kevin now knows as well. Quite a few other friends have told me they will keep her, Bill, and the kids in prayers and thoughts.

Thank you, Nightwolf. Today I spoke with Joanne's husband, Bill (TF), and he told me that Joanne has been admitted to a very excellent hospital in their area where she will be undergoing tests to determine her condition. I will let everyone know more as I learn more about how she is doing. I know that all of us will continue to hold Joanne and her wonderful family in our deepest thoughts and prayers.


I also let crimefighter know and eric Hoffman know as well. Great to know she is in an excellent hospital and such.

I also told my friend Sandra who is going through this as well. She told me if anything, she would help Tribefan and Joanne as well as the family with other options if it took a turn for the worst. Which she told me she prays that it doesn't and that she will keep them all in her prayers. As the day progressed I sighned into my facebook account and sent tribefan a message.
• How is Joanne?
Didn't hear back right away. That is until the 8th of february.
February 8, 2012
Signed in facebook and saw a message from Bill, aka Tribefan. His repsonse was this my reply as well.
• Biopsy tomorrow. Won't know results 4 several days.
• Okay good that they are doing biopsy todayor thrusday. I always hated when you had to wait several days for results. You all are in my prayers and thoughts still.

Febrauary 9, 2012
Bill posted this facebook. What you see next is his updates.
Ok here we go. Joanne was just taken for her biopsy. Scheduled for noon. Please pray now. I know He's listening.
My comment on facebook was that I said God was listening.
In recovery now. Can't c her yet.
She's out. Extraction complete. She did fine. Will get steroids to shrink tumor. Then after analysis complete (can take up to a week) I guess treatment can start. But we don't know benign or malignant now. I anticipate she'll be home tomorrow.
As for Charlie Chan message board I gave the update.
Just saw word from Tribefan on Joanne. At noon went in for the biopsy. She is out. Extraction was complete. Joanne did fine. She'll get steriods to shrink the tumor. Tribefan says once anaylis is complete can take up to a week treatment can begin he guess's. Don't know if the tumor is benign or malignant. He anticipates Joanne will go home tomorrow.


Dear NW,

Thank you for the news, which, under the circumstances, is very good. I know that we will all continue to keep Joanne in our thoughts and prayers.


Dear Rush,

You are so welcome for the news update on Joanne. yes i still keep her in my prayers and thoughts. As i said to Joe, she is more than a freind she is family. As well as one or two toher friends know.


February 10, 2012
Bill posted this about his beloved wife Joanne.
Spent all day with her. She had her rambunctious personality back. Just can't articulate. Wants one thing but says another. Not her fault. We'll use time between now and diagnosis for intense rehab.
I had told Bill that it was wonderful news and that she and the family were still in prayers. Later in day I went to the Charlie Chan message board and posted this news.
Tribefan has given more news on Joanne. This is what he had to say

Spent all day with her. She had her rambunctious personality back. Just can't articulate. Wants one thing but says another. Not her fault. We'll use time between now and diagnosis for intense rehab.

Dear NW,

Thank you so much for the update. I spoke with Joanne's husband, TribeFan, and he told me that results of important tests should be back on Thursday. At this time, as you note, Joanne id beginning rehab/therapy.

I know that all of us will continue to pray for Joanne and her family.


Welcome once again rush. Saw yesterday she was still the same in the clinc. These important that are to come back thursday are important. A friend is going through the samething as Tribefan. She too is keeping Joanne in her thoughts and prayers.

On a lighter note, I think Kevin may show up to the chat this evening w9ith a young couple.

February 11, 2012
Bill had posted a latest update about Joanne to us all.
Not much difference today. She seemed a little better or maybe it was me understanding her better. Next week we should get both the biopsy results and the plan for rehab.
My comment wasn't written until today Tuesday February 14, 2012
Sorry took so long to comment Bill. Well I would say Joanne was a little better with you being there, and tht you understood her. I am still keeping Joanne in my prayers and you and the rest of the family.

February 15, 2012
Bill aka Tribefan gave more information on Joanne his wife.
Today I stayed with her virtually all day. She was in good spirits but didn't understand about some paperwork that needed signed on her Dad's house lest some probate judge gets his or her nose out of joint. But when I told her it just maintained status quo she was fine. Her fine NASA work team sacrificed their lunch hour to visit her.

My comment to him was this
This good to hear Bill. My prayers and thoughts are still coming your way. Yes tomorrow is the day of the test results.

February 16th 2012
Logged into facebook to see if Bill aka Tribefan had given an update on Joanne. Did this quite a few times. Upon doing so this time I read tis following update on her.
Diagnosis, malignant level 3. Inoperable. The higher the number, 1-4 the worse it is. But medical staff was upbeat and we are going to try the most aggressive combination of radiation and chemo as medically allowed. They won't talk to us about odds until they get some genetic marker test back. In a few days. But as you know, she's a tough fighter.

Joanne is a tough fighter. I know she will pull through this. The angels are watching over her. My comment to Bill was this.
I;ve bene checking all day to hear news of the diagnoise's Bill. Joanne is still in my prayers and thoughts. The angels hear the prayers and know of those keeping thoughts of her. She is a fighter. So tough.....that she'l get htrough this
Gave update to the rest of the Chan Family on Joanne's tests results that Bill had updated about Joanne. He liked the comment I left on Facebook. Joanne is more than just a friend. She is family. Family from the Chan family.

February 18 2012
Logged onto facebook this evening and saw that Tribefan (Bill) updated his status. As well as my two comments.

Joanne in nursing home not far from home. Was falling at home. This week we take first steps 2 attack the SOBing tumor. Thanks especially to dear friends BK and DC who helped me over the past 24. Tremendous outpouring of love, hugs, and prayers @Mass this PM.

It'll be a battle to rid Joanne of that SOBING TUMOR ONCE AND FOR ALL! Prayers and thoughts still coming your way Bill. Prayers will be answered.

In addition Bill my friend Vik is keeping you all in his prayers as well.

Vik is a freind of mine. On the 16th of this month, I was due to be on his radio show. Was all set to tune in. As well as call in. Sadly, i couldn't do this due to waiting on the news of Jaonne who is a freind, which she is more than just that. I had gone to Charlie Chan Family message board and posted this on the board for the other Chan family members to see.

Lastest Update on Joanne

This is what Tribefan had written today on facebook.

Joanne in nursing home not far from home. Was falling at home. This week we take first steps 2 attack the SOBing tumor. Thanks especially to dear friends BK and DC who helped me over the past 24. Tremendous outpouring of love, hugs, and prayers @Mass this PM.
My comments on facebook to Bill.
Joanne is a fighter. She'll beat this. My friend who's radio show I was due to be on, is keeping Joanne and her family in his prayers. He knew this took priority over being on his radio show.
In addition Bill my friend Vik is keeping you all in his prayers as well.
On february 19th 2012 Bill liked the comments I had left.


Joanne got a day out yesterday. I took her to the Clinic. In the morning we met Dr. Rosenfeld, the neurologist who will be taking care of her after the original round of chemo and radiation. Between appointments we were treated to guitar music from Alyssa, a music therapist. Joanne sang many of the songs verbatim. I didn't say on key because she's never been able to carry a tune in a bucket:). After that

Well this is great ot hear Bill.

After that she had her "mask" made which prepares her for radiation next Tuesday. 33 treatments of that, every day M-F. Then back to Nursing home where she didn't want to go and refused to leave car until a staffer coaxed her out. That was emotionally draining.

Joanne is still in prayers and thoughts Bill. as well as you and the kids.

Quiet day today. Talked to nursing home social worker who answered all my questions. Transportation to/from Clinic for radiation is covered by insurance. We believe Joanne's objections to being there were because of male care providers. Home agreed to just use females on her. Assistant pastor anointed her with Sacrament of the Sick. For you old-timers this was called Last Rites or Extreme Unction by nowadays it's used in much less ominous circumstances. She got her ashes for Ash Wednesday also. So'd whole family at one point or another. Good friend PH sat with her for a lot of the day for which I'm grateful. When I saw Joanne tonight she was sleeping soundly. As I've told folks individually, people in town may visit without restriction.

Still praying here bill and keeping in thoughts.

Very steady stream of visitors today and Joanne seemed to brighten up with each visitor. Her co-workers from her previous job came to visit, mercifully in two shifts. One (HF) made tonight's dinner for the boys and me in the firm of a casserole. Yum. Also, her cousins P & L visited today.

The outpouring of prayer and love has astounded and humbled me. Thanks all!

The prayers will still be coming your way Bill for Joanne and the rest of the family.

Now this next segment was an experiance that Bill felt. This is so moving that I told Bill I would like to share this with afriend who is going through this.
I'd like to tell you all about my prayer experience last evening about a half hour before Ash Wednesday Mass. Our pastor, Father Bob, is always telling us to spend time in the chapel with the Eucharist. I'll admit, I hadn't ever done that.

I knelt before the tabernacle and "primed the pump" with the prayer Jesus answered with when they asked: "Lord, teach us to pray", the Our Father. I expected to be praying for Joanne's cure, but I could feel His hand leading me to a prayer of Thanksgiving, for the skilled hands of the medical caregivers, for all the people who gave us food, for all those of all faiths who have been praying for us. I thanked God, Yahweh, and Allah, because friends of the three major religions prayed to that same Deity. I thanked the Lord for my Parish community, especially my 5:00 Mass friends for getting behind me. And all three priests. And Fr. Rob from Joanne's home parish. And all of you. What started out as a prayer of supplication became, with His hand on me, a prayer of Thanksgiving.

Well Bill he does work in mysterious ways. He guided you the right way. I would like to share tis story with a freind of mine who is going through this as well.

February 27, 2012
Bill showed up to the chan chat this evening. Was giving report on Joanne and such. I had stepped away from the copmuter for a bit. When I had returned I saw that he was amongst us. From what I saw he was telling of Joanne. Later in the evening I had signed onto Facebook and saw an update he had posted about Joanne and stating that he knew what type of tumor it was. It as follows.
Hi all. Just got back from my second visit of the day to Joanne in the Nursing and REHAB center, where we put her on the advice of the Cleveland Clinic therapists, and for her own health, safety and comfort. She is undergoing intensive rehab but we can only expect limited results until the root cause is attacked, the tumor. Her simulation for the radiation is tomorrow, and the radiation and chemo starts for real Wednesday.

Some of you have asked me what kind of tumors she has. I know, but I am not releasing it because I don't want everybody Googling, diagnosing, prognosticating, and most of all worrying. I'd rather you spend time visiting her when you can and praying that the best doctors and technicians in the world's best hospital's hands and judgment will be blessed. Let's all stay positive!

My comment was this.
She is still in prayers as well as you and the kids Bill.
Bill liked this comment I had left. Which was left yesterday February 28, 2012.
February 29, 2012

Well, it's D-day today. My brave lady begins her all-out, brave attack on her cancer with radiation and chemo in the maximum doses medically allowed for her circumstances. Friend PH is going to ride in ambulance from Royal Oak as requested by Joanne. I'm going to meet them in the Taussig center after work since Clinic only 1/2 hr east of me downtown.

Hang in there Bill All are still in my prayers.
Bill liked this one as well. As I stated in the comment I left, was for him to hang in there and that all were in my prayers.

March 1. 2012
Joanne had the first of her radiation and chemo treatments yesterday and came through without any noticeable discomfort. Prayers please for the continued strength of Joanne's cousin, Sister Mary John Paul Bobak, who is a pastoral assistant at St. Mary's Church in Chardon, who is undoubtably continuing to minister to the witnesses of that horror. The boys and I visited Sister mere hours before that tragedy.
Prays still coming your way Bill for Joanne, you and the rest of the family.
March 2, 2012
Joanne finished 2nd day of radiation and looked good last nite. Don't know how chemo went last night. Plan on visiting her on lunch hour. Thanks to PH for riding with her to CC today. My wonderful church benefactors expect me to show up @ fish fry.

Speaking of benefactors, an anonymous (to me) lady brought four ziti and meatball dinners from Italian Village last night. Thank you, but if you can see this message, please ID yourself because I'm keeping a thank you note list. My son didn't recognize you. It was very generous.
When another friend had asked abut the radiation and that Joanne was going to have chemo Bill had this to say.

No. Doctors directed simultaneous therapies. If any Dr, would have been opposed, it would have been her radiation Dr. Dr. Erin Murphy, and she blessed the entire treatment plan mere minutes before the first radiation treatment in conversation with Joanne, Pat Hanis and me. I specifically reminded Dr. Murphy of the Chemo at that time.
My comment that I had left.
I am so thrilled to hear she is doing well with the treatments Bill. I still keep you all in my prayers. Even though we never met, on through Chan night, you guys are great friends.
No radiation today. The machine was down. Makeup session tomorrow.
Oh man now that ain't good Bill. On a lighter side Joanne can have rest from the first treatment. Prays are still coming your way for Joanna, you and the rest of the family.
Thanks NW!
Welcome Bill.......Joanne is a strong person.

March 3 2012
Joanne got radiation today to make up for session she missed because of equipment outage. They said she ate a nice brunch afterward.
Awesome news Bill.

Hi all, thank you for all your prayers and support. Updates might not come as frequently because there's not much to tell. She's tolerating radiation and chemo extremely well. I hope the tumors...not so much. After the next six weeks of this, she will get her next big MRI and we will see where we stand. I thought of the gospel at our wedding, loaves and fishes. That generosity Christ tried to demonstrate is what many of you have demonstrated to my family. I will be forever grateful for these acts of mercy.

Prayers will still come your way Billl. I gave the lastest updates to Rush and the rest of the chan family Monday evening.

Thanks NW. If I put it on Facebook, no need to hold back from those dear friends.

Welocme Bill. No need to hold back.
March 6th 2012
Hi all, thank you for all your prayers and support. Updates might not come as frequently because there's not much to tell. She's tolerating radiation and chemo extremely well. I hope the tumors...not so much. After the next six weeks of this, she will get her next big MRI and we will see where we stand. I thought of the gospel at our wedding, loaves and fishes. That generosity Christ tried to demonstrate is what many of you have demonstrated to my family. I will be forever grateful for these acts of mercy.

Prayers will still come your way Billl. I gave the lastest updates to Rush and the rest of the chan family Monday evening.

Thanks NW. If I put it on Facebook, no need to hold back from those dear friends.

Welocme Bill. No need to hold back.

March 13th 2012

Joanne seems to improve every day. Dr. Murphy, the radiation oncologist, attributes it to her biopsy wound healing. I attribute it to prayer as well. One thing we can't attribute it to until Easter week is her simultaneous radiation and chemo treatment. That's when they will take the next official MRI. She got up and was walking around today straightening up her room.
However, Blue Cross, ever looking to squeeze the guts out of the buffalo nickel, cut out her

Awesome to hear this bill. Is this empire blue cross blue shield insurance? Figures that insurance companies do that.

Her nursing home benefit. So s far

as they are concerned she's kicked to the curb. I'm keeping her in the home while I ponder my next steps. Kids are hanging in there. Parishioners are still generous.
Some insurances are ridiculous these days.
Well that is good about Plan B Bill.

March 20th 2012
Will announce Joanne's Plan B living arrangement very soon. Radiation thinning her hair but I hope it's kicking the cancer's you know what.

Still in prayers and thoughts Bill. Will let Chan family know of this.

March 25th 2012
Well. Time to catch you all up. Plan "B" is to move the love of my life into her parents' house tomorrow, they are deceased but Joanne never sold the house. It's 1-story with handicap ramp. I guess the nursing home felt a bit betrayed by my decision to move her into the house they expected me to sell at a discount to give them money to care for her. So they came up with a plan by which they declared her "so much improved" that they could provide her rehab services while I paid $250/day for her room and board for another 2 weeks. If she had improved so much why did they paint such a bleak picture to insurance company such that they pulled funding? Had hospital bed delivered yesterday. Oldest son will be staying with us while younger boys staying with friend in old neighborhood M-F so they can get busses to school. She is walking a lot better now. Hasn't used wheelchair going to radiation in over a week! Drs. are pleased with her physical progress.
Have TV and Internet in parents house so I can telework and oldest son can do schoolwork. Got welcome visit from DC godmothers PG and AC. Thank you for all your best wishes, prayers, and support!
AWESOME PLAN BILL! Still in thoughts and prayers.

March 26th 2012
She's moved in!

AWESOME BILL! Told Rush about Joanne moving into her parents house. Still in prayers n thoughts.
March 27th 2012
Busy day today. Couldn't get her up or morning pills into her very well. Wouldn't drink coffee or eat cereal. Snoring loudly. Took her blood sugar and it was below 20. Called 911 and paramedics started IV with dextrose which revived her. Went by ambulance to Parma hospital. They gave her a turkey sandwich, Mac 'n cheese and OJ and she was fine. Came home and she bathed herself and I helped her dress to go to Cleveland Clinic for radiation. Had pork roast in oven which she ate well. And lights are on in bathroom! Yea! Tomorrow head nurse for skilled care will visit and Cleveland Clinic van will take her for treatment.
Pyayers still coming your way Bill.
April 1st, 2012
This is the latest update on Joanne, that Bill posted on Facebook. Along with my comments to him.

She's in the house and we are settling into a routine. She appears to like big screen TV in living room. I am administering meds on time and with proper precaution for chemo pills (rubber gloves). We went to see "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat" at St. Ignatius Friday Night and Joanne seemed to follow it and understand. Only side effect was, I can't get the songs out of my head:)

Well this is great news Bill. Prayers still coming. BTW....LOL......welcome to my world with siongs getting stuck in ones head.

By the way, if you want to visit you may do so except between 11-2 M-F when she's at radiation treatment. Please contact me separately for directions as I don't want to advertise address publicly.

Wish I could Bill. Don't live in the same area as you and Joanne. So this is even better. Tell her Nightwolf sends her regards.

April 5, 2012

Joanne is having occupational, physical, or speech/reading therapy almost every day in our temporary house. She finishes radiation next Wednesday and also gets a hiatus from chemo. Next big news will be after MRI on May 10. No prognoses until then. Boys are home in temp house for the next 10 days for Easter vacation.

On a sad note, Union College, my beloved Alma Mater, was bounced from the NCAA Division 1 Frozen Four semifinals today by Ferris State (Michigan) 2-1.

Awesome News Bill. Joanne and you all are still in prayers.

April 14th, 2012
This is the latest update on Joanne. Along with a picture that Bill posted on Facebook.

This photo was taken at the Cleveland Clinic of Joanne and an ugly guy:). She is ringing the bell after her 30th and final radiation treatment. Also ended chemo that day (April 11). Still having lots of OT, PT, and speech therapy and getting stronger. Had 3 visitors today, KG and mom, and HF.

My comment was this
Awsome Bill.

April 19th 2012
For those who don't know, Joanne went to the Southwest Hospital emergency room Tuesday night after a day of odd behavior and an extremely high pulse rate. Turns out that Drs. had reduced her steroids too abruptly. She was moved by ambulance to Cleveland Clinic where we sit awaiting discharge if her vitals are good. She lost her stitches and scab over her biopsy wound so now she has a gauze dressing. This seemed like a real setback the other day. Now that we know the cause we are taking it in