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Christian's With Depression Message Board

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Christian's With Depression Message Board
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God bless you all. There are so few sites out there for supporting christians with depression. I myself was diagnosed in Jan-Feb of this year. I have since become such an advocate for brothers and sisters in Christ who deal with what I have dealt with for a long, long time.

Before I was diagnosed I didn't know what was going on. I was unusually irritable and my sleep began to suffer more and more. I thought horrible things about myself. I struggled with my faith in Christ wondering if I even had it anymore. My new wife Jesse dealt with guilt wondering if she was the cause of my moods. Things were not good. Though He may not work as we would like Him to, Praise God for His love and faithfulness in such a time!

I have learned so much about depression. Even more, I have learned more about faith than I ever could have were it not for this trial. I have learned that WHO I know is much stronger than HOW I feel! Like Spurgeon said, God's Love is higher than our thoughts. I still have horrible thoughts...ad they seem to come and go like waves sometimes. But what I know is that I have an advocate in Christ Jesus whose blood can cleanse the filthiest of spots in my soul. Praise God that Jesus lives to help us.

Re: Hi

Hi Michael,

Thank you for stopping in and visiting us. We are so thankful God is working in the midst of your depression. Thank God you have a Godly wife, who will support you in the midst of your struggles. A prayer warrior is the best gift in the midst of our lows.

I have a Godly Husband, who is faithful to my prayer needs and helping from day to day.

Please come again and share as much as you like. We are small here but welcome more.

God Bless,