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CS Lewis's novel Perelandra

In the novel Perelandra, Lewis's character, Ransom, states, "Don't imagine I've been selected to go to Perelandra because I'm anyone in particular. One never can see, or not till long afterwards, why any one was selected for any job. And when one does, it is usually some reason that leaves no room for vanity. Certainly, it is never for what the man himself would have regarded as his chief qualifications."

Ransom is considering why he has been sent to the 'otherworld', 'science-fiction' world of Perelandra.

Well, sometimes like Ransom, I wonder why I have been 'sent' to experience the world of depression.

I like how Ransom states that "it is usually some reason that leaves no room for vanity" because so often in life my perceived reasons for doing things usually not only lift up someone else, but also lift me up. My theory is that God is allowing this depression in my life to exalt himself without having me 'get in the way of His glory' because there certainly is nothing glorious for me about having depression.

I also wonder what God sees in me as my 'qualifications' for bearing this burden. Ransom says, "it is never for what the man himself would have regarded as his chief qualifications". Hmm...I'll have to think about that.
