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Christian's With Depression Message Board
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Topic for the Week

Hi everyone,

It has been a while since doing the 'topic of the week' so I thought I'd post a suggested topic for this week.

Sarita, I know you've been feeling poorly lately, so I thought I'd take the initiative to post the topic this week. I know you say that anyone can post the topic (which is why I feel comfortable posting this week's topic), but since you were the first to come up with the idea, I really like how you kept it up for so long. However, I also understand the toll that depression can take, and am happy to take over for this week. But, when you are feeling more like yourself (and it will happen...even if it doesn't seem like it now!), I would love for you to continue doing the weekly topics should you still feel lead to do so.

With that said, here is this week's topic:

"What does 'simple faith' mean to you, especially as a Christian who lives with depression?"

Here are some of my ideas:

Simple faith to me is to do what I know I need to do according to what I am able to do, even when I don’t want to do it.

It is resting in the worst, being confident and comfortable knowing that God is in control in allowing this worst for a reason I may never know.

It is experiencing joy in little things.

It is dreaming and longing for things that may never come true, but dreaming and longing for these things anyway.

It is finding hope in the promise of heaven.
