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Christian's With Depression Message Board

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Christian's With Depression Message Board
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I have bipolar, and I am always depressed, but I am so angry the last few months. So much rage. I have kept myself away from people so I don't blow up at them. I can barely pray, can't concentrate. I don't work, so I'm not around many people.
But I need to have peace, joy, and feel Jesus.

Re: pray

Hi Tina,

I pray that in the middle of all of your feelings, you would have the knowledge of the peace, joy, and love of God so much and in such a way that it would not have anything to do with how you feel.

I pray for God to put into your life close friends that you can share and talk with.

I encourage you to express your anger to God...he listens to everything...even this.

I pray for God's blessing on your life at this time, tht people would see Him in you because of your difficulty,
