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Christian's With Depression Message Board

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Christian's With Depression Message Board
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a sad analogy

I am having a down day today. I have felt it coming on for a few days now.
I was going for my walk today and it just came to me. You know that Verizon commercial where they show the person standing alone at first and then as they pan out, it shows this whole group of people behind him??? It's the "network" and where he goes, they go. It's his support system. What's so sad is, we as Christians have that same support group, that is, unless we suffer with depression. If you have any kind of physical disease, you can go to church, tell others your problem and have everyone praying for you. With depression you can't even put it on the prayer list because of the stigma attached to it. It's an affliction that we, most of the time, have to suffer alone. The "network" just isn't there. I think that's one of the things that is so hard with having depression. It's a secret you keep to yourself for fear of discrimination. Sure, you can share it with some friends, but no matter what, they still think it's something you are doing wrong. If I had a physical problem, I would have friends coming out of the wood work but with depression, there might be one friend who tries to comfort and encourage.
I am glad I have all of you but the problem is, you aren't here where I live. I just can't call you or see you anytime I like.
I have to say though, God is my strength. He will provide all that I need. I am thankful for this affliction because I know His purpose is good and holy. I can not kiss the hand that gives the sweet cup without kissing the hand that gives the bitter as well. He is worthy no matter what we must endure.
Thanks for listening