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Christian's With Depression Message Board

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Christian's With Depression Message Board
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Please Pray

Hi everyone,

It has been a while since I wrote. First of all, it's great to see "new/newer to me" people (Tom, Donna, and others I may have missed!) on the site ministering and encouraging each other. This is such a vital ministry we have as fellow believers struggling with depression.

For this message, I would like to ask for prayer.

I am feeling very overwhelmed lately, and know that I must be very careful about how much activity and rest time I get, as well as keep a regular schedule of sleeping, eating, working, and relaxing--basically, a balance. If I don't pay attention to these things, as well as monitor and work through my feelings, depression for me easily sets in. I don't feel as if I am in the middle of a major depressive episode as I have been at times in the past, but I notice the signs and feelings of clinical depression coming on every so often. I don't want these feelings to build up and take over.

This is my last semester of school as I train for a new career, as well as mid-term week, scholarship application week, and time to begin job searching. These things make me feel worried, scared, and overwhelmed because of the stress of it all. If anyone feels led to pray, please do.

Actually, just having this site as a place to write this out is a gift.



Re: Please Pray

Hi Laurie,

Nice to meet you. Of course I'll pray for you. I'll pray that everything works out good for you, and that you won't be overcome by a depressive episode.

I need to reciprocate and ask you to please pray for me too. My life's circumstances are not good, instead they are very conducive to bringing on depression in me. I feel like I'm in a black hole and can't escape. I would like God to perform a miracle for me and change my life completely by divine intervention; but I realize that God probably isn't going to do that. Please pray that God will give me strength to bear the pains and pressures that He allows in my life. Because I don't have any strength of my own to do it. The burdens are too heavy, and I'm not strong enough to bear them.



Re: Please Pray


It is a blessing to be able to pray for you. You certainly sound like one busy lady! I pray God gives you extra strength and peace to accomplish all you have to do. Remember how Special you are and how much He loves you. I always go back to Phillipians 1:6! He is faithful and will complete the good work He has begun in you!!


Re: Please Pray

I will be praying too.
I always hate that when I feel depression coming on. It's just so scary sometimes. I'm glad all of you can relate. It's nice that we can share our feelings with each other. I pray for all of you every day.

Re: Re: Please Pray

Thanks for your prayers, everyone.

I have been so busy and haven't been able to respond for a while...but I really appreciate your prayers...and even you taking the time to read what is so freeing to share.

Laura, I pray for God to be your strength, my strength, and the strength of us all as we depend on him to live with this condition.

I pray for God to be glorified through this,



I forgot to share the answers to your prayers!

God sustained me during my busy time; I rested in Him and depended on Him for my strength.

I did not experience a depressive episode. Praise God for his grace and mercy!

He also helped me to not do too much; I got done all that I needed to do, and eliminated some things I would have liked to have gotten done, but just didn't have the energy for. This was a good thing for me to do.



Re: Update

Hi Laurie,

I'm glad everything worked out for you. I hope it continues to go that way for you.


Re: Re: Update

Thanks so much for the affirmation.

Not everything worked out as I would like to have planned...but I am feeling healthy and human and I praise God for this.
