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Re: Re: What should be done...?

I'll go with what Rush posted. . . . If they include the not so hot prints as extras with a notices about the quality, we still get all of them on DVD and nobody can complain.

At least anybody with sense who loves these old films!


Re: What should be done...?

Agree with what Rush said.

I wouldn't suggest Warner wait too long after Vol 5 before releasing the Monograms else they will risk losing fan interest but given that they've had this set on their radar for about 3 or 4 years I wouldn't be surprised if they've already made some progress on finding the better prints.

Re: What should be done...?

Dear Steve,

You really have given something to think about and ponder about the Chan films. Warner might just go ahead and take the time to look for these 35mm films and do their best to digitally remaster them.

However I do believe they won't become lost films like the four that we will more than likely never see at all. Then again, there is still hope in seeing them. Time will be the one to tell us all.

